Homemade Oven Cleaner Without Baking Soda

by | Apr 27, 2017 | Kitchen

Why do people love natural oven cleaner? Do you open your oven for cleaning it up and then close it as for later on home chores? Do you frequently think of clearing out your oven but cannot do it due to its visible messy condition? Let’s share homemade oven cleaner without baking soda with you.

Homemade Oven Cleaner Without Baking Soda

Well, I will be honest that it has happened with all the people availing oven facilities at their places pretty much repeatedly on daily basis. It can also be blamed for laziness or lethargic behavior but somehow it can also be held responsible towards the time taking and long procedure to make the oven tidy and back to its original looking organized position. Not to mention, but I cannot tell anyone else before that how to clean an oven so I used to put it aside until and unless my oven seems to look downright scary.

It is not like I never tried to clean it up because I saw the pictures claiming that baking soda and vinegar can act together as natural oven cleaner that would magically dissolve away all the oven grease, I exclaimed wow that’s so easy.

But unfortunately, it didn’t happen. So again I was standing with a filthy looking oven. Also, it can be said with a bad case of procrastination and it was more than resentment. Good thing was that it was not a condition of all is lost. From that time, I came to know and manage cleaning of the oven without using chemicals and hopefully with finger crossed it would also assist someone else in the same similar pinch.

Homemade Oven Cleaner Without Baking Soda

Here one question arises, whether to scrub or not to scrub? When it comes to the real world of doing that dirty work, reality tells that we need some elbow grease. I avoid cleaning but especially detest scrubbing. Some heavy usage of chemicals claims to clean without it, but the problem arises that firstly that these type of chemicals don’t always work and if it works well then also it’s not worth the risk I can take to do it.

Homemade Oven Cleaner Without Baking Soda

During the struggle of finding out how to clean the oven without baking soda, vinegar all that of other presumed chemical techniques, I have found some important keys to doing it in a very convenient, easy and least complicated manner. Here is what you need to do and follow some of the trouble-free steps:

1.Doing the Right Preparation

You will have to realize that it is not a spray and wipe it out the job. It requires some preparation to be done.
You have to soak the grime for almost overnight. An overnight soaking will be most likely your best step especially when you have years of grease in your oven.

2.Choosing the Right Tools

It is always seen and suggested that perfect picking up of tools can turn oven cleaning into a relatively much unproblematic task. Some of the most commonly used tools for oven cleaning to have on hand are:

  • .Stainless steel scouring pads: For scrubbing so to make it easy for you and not to make it hard.
  • A good pair of cleaning gloves: For securing your fingers and nails and not making it greasy as your oven.
  • A few pieces of microfiber wash clothes to wipe out the grease. You can also use the paper towels if you want easier disposal as I am also not a big paper towel fan unless there is something really big to wrap it up.

3.The Right Selection of Cleaner

As already said above that vinegar and baking soda didn’t cut it all for my oven, then also I was not ready to quit and give up finding a natural oven cleaner that actually worked out. That was so-called green natural cleaner. I really worked out because all I have done above was the right and appropriate method to clean it up. A simple choosing of oven cleaner will also surprise you and will make you impress.

4.Get Scrubbing

Need to get to work, use your scouring pads to get the bulk of grime stick on to your oven and also the steel brush will now take care of your grease in the corners.

Get Scrubbing

5.Wipe it Down as Needed

Now, all that melted stains and dirt should be wiped out so to know what still left to be cleaned. Wipe the excess off with the wash cloths. Rinse it out with warm water and if required again, get on the scrubbing. Repeat it if desired again. Scrub any remaining tough spots. Give your oven a last and then have a full and final wipe down.

I will not say that my oven turned to look branded and unused. But still, after a little scrubbing, it was not in a bad condition that I imagined. Before that cleanup it can be said it totally turned around. I am not claiming that my oven seems brand new because it’s not a fairytale. One thing for I can say is that I just wanted a clean oven and that I actually had.

<a href="https://www.homeaholic.net/author/stephanie/" target="_self">Stephanie Torress</a>

Stephanie Torress

I love to blog about home decor and home remedies. Blogging is my passion and I do it all the time. My Google+

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