How to Unclog Drain with Baking soda and Salt

by | Jul 11, 2017 | Housekeeping

Clogging may lead us to troublesome and shoot of blood pressure if not treated properly on time. The obstruction in the drain is a terrifying problem, however, it can be treated at home with certain remedies presented by some household experts. You might have heard about the unclogging process with a help of baking soda, and we are here to discuss the comprehensive drain unclogging process step by step. It is imperative to know how to unclog drain with baking soda and salt completely before you step in into this mission.

How to Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt

How to Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt

How to Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt

Baking soda can work wonders on smelly and clogged drains. As we know there are many procedures to rid of this clogging problem with simple DIYs and other homemade solutions. Baking soda always proves best when it comes to cleaning almost anything at home. Most of the people don’t know, how to even use it other than baking cookies. Here we have discussed the uses and remedies by using both baking soda and salt for unclogging the drain.

Are you suffering from some serious clogging issues on daily basis in your kitchen, bathrooms, and gardens? Here is a complete remedy to unclog the drain with baking soda and salt for a longer time period.

Are you using the right proportion of baking soda in your cleaning mission?

It is vital to know that you are using the proper amount of baking soda and salt at the same for cleaning purpose. Sometimes, mishandling of these both ingredients leaves disastrous results in the end. Make sure you know the right amount of both these agents prior to unclogging the drain.

How to Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt? Making Mixture

How to Unclog Drain with Baking Soda and Salt? Making Mixture

Well, this is a tricky task for a person who is performing this for the first time. If you are a new housewife and facing such terribly annoying issues daily, you must need to use this remedy to make some good impression to the other members of your family so that they feel and treat you well. When you do save some bucks by not calling a plumber, another feel as a good impression.

acing such terribly annoying issues daily, you must need to use this remedy to make some good impression to the other members of your family so that they feel and treat you well. When you do save some bucks by not calling a plumber, another feel as a good impression.

So here we have an answer to your question. Make sure you find the reasonable and appropriate proportion of the baking soda and salt.

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of salt

Make a mix of both these ingredient and pour in the drain bowl and let it stay for several hours. If you are fixing your bathroom drain then do not flush the drain for at least 2 to 3 hours or maybe more, depends on the severity of the clog. If you are fixing your kitchen sink drain, you don’t have to use it for at least 2 hours. When the solution completed its time, try to pour the half bucket full of boiling water or less than boiling water into the drain and check if the water is draining properly or not.

What’s the controversy in not using the baking soda and vinegar mix for unclogging the drain?

We have heard different conspiracy for using these ingredients together to remove the clogs from the drains and somehow it proved right. We need to know certain facts about not to use this mix for clogged drains.

Mostly, the drains are clogged with grease and oil residue in its pipes. So, we should know the reason behind the clogging of drain prior using our traditional method of unclogging the drain with baking soda and salt.

An expert has performed an experiment by placing a cube of butter in two bowls each. She made a mix of boiling water and detergent and poured it in one bowl. Also she made a mix of baking soda and vinegar and poured it into a second bowl. She left the mix to stay for few minutes and the results started appearing, the butter cube in a bowl with a water and detergent mix starts dissolving. On the other hand, the cube in a bowl with a mix of baking soda and a vinegar didn’t show any change.

Results of this Experiment?

Results of this Experiment?

Well, the result is so clear. We have seen the boiling water and detergent mix solution can dissolve the grease. We can simply unclog the drain with a help of this mix. While on the other hand, baking soda mix with vinegar proved nothing which means the drains can’t be unclogged with this mix. This solution only works well in case if we add an appropriate amount of salt in it.

Advantages of Baking Soda

  • Baking soda when mixed other ingredient makes a perfect fighter combo to fight with all obstructions within the sink drains or any other clogs.
  • In the event that there are family individuals who are sensitive to the odors and other chemical processes, they won’t be influenced with cleaning mix of baking soda as it is chemical free and free of odor.
  • Using baking soda for unclogging drains can be agreeable to your wallet as well. Since you can use baking soda boxes for other multiple uses by storing certain things in it. This is the cheapest and easiest remedy which deals with almost any stubborn stain.
  • You can apply and try the above-mentioned home remedies for how to unclog drain with baking soda and salt and also countless other problems.
<a href="" target="_self">Stephanie Torress</a>

Stephanie Torress

I love to blog about home decor and home remedies. Blogging is my passion and I do it all the time. My Google+

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