9 Homemade Cleaning Products

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Cleaning Home Remedies

Cleaning products are essential parts of our daily life. Whether you are looking to clean a table, window, glass or door, you need to buy the specific cleaning product for it. Do you know there are homemade cleaning products that cannot help you to save some money but also help you to stay away from a nasty chemical made cleaning products? Let’s take a look at some of the best homemade cleaning products.

homemade cleaning products

Homemade Cleaning Products

Diluted White Vinegar

Mildly acidic white vinegar helps to dissolve soap scum, hard water deposits and soap scum from smooth surfaces. White Vinegar is gentle enough to use for cleaning hardwood flooring solutions. IT is a natural deodorizer that absorbs odors and doesn’t cover them up. Vinegar has non-coloring agents, therefore, it will not stain grout on tiled surfaces. It helps to cut detergent residue and makes an ideal fabric softener substitute for families with sensitive skin.

  • You can use white diluted white vinegar spray with water to clean backsplash areas, lightly soiled range surfaces and counterparts.
  • You can clean exterior toilet surfaces, floors, and counterparts with vinegar spray.
  • For seriously tough bathroom surfaces like shower walls, heat the solution using a microwave to increase its cleaning power. Spray the warmed solution on shower walls.
  • Allow for the solution to sit for 10-15 minutes. Scrub and rinse with clean shower walls.

Diluted White Vinegar

Undiluted White Vinegar

Undiluted white vinegar is an excellent remedy for tough cleaning problems such as soap scum or hard water deposits. You can also use such type of vinegar to clean the inside of toilet bowl. Dump a water bucket inside the toilet bowl before starting cleaning to force water out of a bowl and permit access to the sides. Now pour the undiluted white vinegar over the toilet bowl. Use toilet brush for scrubbing to remove odor and stains. You can use a pumice stone to get rid of any remaining hard water rings.

Undiluted white vinegar can also clean showerheads clogged with mineral deposits. Place ¼ to ½ cup undiluted white vinegar in a plastic food storage bag. Secure the bag on the showerhead using a rubber band. Let the solution stand for 2 hours to overnight. Rinse off the solution and buff the fixture.

  • White vinegar softens the fabrics and cuts the detergent residue. People with sensitive skin can use 1 cup of white vinegar to laundry rinse cycle instead of commercial fabric softener.
  • You can easily substitute lemon juice for white vinegar for general cleaning purpose.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Due to its natural deodorizing abilities and mild abrasive action, baking soda is an ideal substitute for harsh commercial scouring powders. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a damp sponge to treat grimy bathtub rings, remove food deposits or scour vanity units.

Make a paste of water and baking soda for tougher grime. Now apply to the sink or tub and give sit 10-20 minutes to soften the deposits and can be removed easily.

For running, bathroom drains, pour ½ to ¾ cup of baking soda into the drain. Let the solution stand for 2 hours to overnight. Flush thoroughly with hot water. This remedy is for keep running the drains and not to treat blocked drains.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol gives the base for an evaporating cleaner to rival glass cleaning and commercial window cleaning solutions. Use it to clean mirrors, chrome fixtures, and windows. Rubbing alcohol can be used for a shiny finish on hard-surface ceramic tiles.


Ammonia creates a strong window and multi-purpose cleaning recipes as compared acid vinegar. Select a non-sudsing type. Suds may appear as if they are working but actually they are really tough to remove and rinse.

Green Cleaners

Green Cleaners

Homemade cleaning products give various advantages to cost-conscious households. If you make use of on-hand ingredients, they are far less expensive than buying new commercial cleaners. You can get rid of toxic chemicals or harsh chemicals. Try these all-purpose cleaning recipes as a starting point, decreasing or increasing their power as your household’s cleaning needs require.

Strong Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon clear, nonsudsing ammonia
  • 1 tablespoon clear dishwashing liquid
  • Mix all ingredients well in a spray bottle

Homemade Glass Cleaner

  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • One cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
  • 1 cup water
  • Mix all ingredients properly in a spray bottle

Strong Glass Cleaner

  • One cup water
  • 1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
  • 1 tablespoon clear, nonsudsing ammonia
  • Mix well in a spray bottle and use it.

Homemade Spray Cleaner

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • Mix well in a spray bottle.
<a href="https://www.homeaholic.net/author/stephanie/" target="_self">Stephanie Torress</a>

Stephanie Torress

I love to blog about home decor and home remedies. Blogging is my passion and I do it all the time. My Google+

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