Container Gardening Ideas for Your Home Garden

by | Apr 24, 2014 | Gardening

When living in small homes or apartments and often don’t have much space for the home garden; Container Gardening Ideas are the best option for you. Usually, we all struggle to find the free time without containing any burden in our daily lives and unlike the large home garden; Container Gardening is a time-saving project. Just as the name, when you grow plants in pots or containers is known as Container Gardening. With all important aspects, it’s considered a huge way in modern gardening. Container Gardening Ideas are not limited to few plants or either for indoors or outdoors.

Container Gardening Ideas

You can incorporate your favorite vegetable, the whole range of flowers, herbs, shrubs, ferns, small trees and much more. Also not bound for indoors or outdoors but it’s better if you grow plants in containers outdoor and bring your garden inside when they are flowering. Doesn’t matter how small is your patio, balcony or veranda, Container Gardening is the solution for all. Even you are renting and don’t want to grow a garden for the landlord, Planting in Containers can be moved quickly, and you can carry your garden with you anytime.

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To do List for Container Gardening

When you are planting in containers; your pots or containers have great importance. Here are some suggestions regarding Container Gardening that may help you to ensure your plants grow healthily.

  • Although any pot or container can be used for Container Gardening but consider the container that has sufficient drainage to meet the situation when it’s required to drain away surplus water from the roots of plants. If you don’t have adequate drainage in your pots, your plants can rot or die.
  • Secondly, when you are going to start a Container Gardening, you can’t limit it by your imagination. May you require a traditional Container Garden in the future; so can be chosen your pots or containers with a broad perspective like mainly wooden or plastic pots.
  • Thirdly contemplate the quality garden potting compost as that contains all essential nutrients your plants need. Mostly slow release pellets are considered useful for Container Gardening.
  • Before starting to consider the area where you want to place your containers. All plants are not friendly for a sunny location; some love to grow in direct sunlight while other prefer in a sheltered spot.
  • After deciding about the container, next step is what should to plant? Choose the plants according to the climate situation of your area where you live. Besides if you like the color scheme for your Container Garden often can get help from gardening catalogs and garden magazines to visualize how you want to look your containers.

Containers and Plants

Although container gardening, easy to manage but could be a bit tricky. You can’t choose containers randomly. Every plant requires appropriate pot or container to grow properly. For lightweight, you may choose plastic pots and for heavier you can go with clay one. Additionally, for decorations perspectives, other materials can be added.

Vegetables Container Gardening Ideas

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It’s really fantastic when you pick fresh vegetable for your kitchen. Nothing is better when it comes from a small container. Container Gardening is a great practice whether you own acres or small apartment, its easy technique to get healthy vegetables. Although vegetable plants have no deep roots, they love grow in great pots. If you love vegetables like Tomatoes, Green Beans, Pepper, Beets, Lettuce, Strawberry, and Cucumber then chooses large pots to grow them; in this regards you can consider large table container. Table container is highly recommended style as suitable for water, trim and harvests your vegetable plants.

Herbs Container Gardening Ideas

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Nobody can’t deny the importance of herbs in our daily lives. Due to the lack of outdoor space or weather conditions gardeners love to grow herb plants in containers to meet any condition. Most likely herb plants for container gardening are mint, parsley, lavender, chives, dill, thyme and rosemary and all these are small in size, can be accommodated with the aid of a single large container. As another option you can choose different containers for each herb plant but when choosing must consider the available space. Remember that anything in your home which is not being used can act as a herb container like window boxes or hanging baskets.

Flowers Container Gardening Ideas

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Flowers in containers are grown for fragrance and to enhance the beauty of home spaces. You can choose any pot or container that suits or useful in your home. Usually, materials like stone, plastic; terracotta and wood are considered suitable for flower containers, but you can go with the mixture of these all materials to add design and contrast to your container garden. Especially when choosing a container for flower gardening must choose high grade potting compost. Also, these are fertile soil, and cheap will help plants grow and thrive. To make your flower containers more appealing, you can go with ornamental and varieties of height and colors.

When choosing containers for plants you have a large collection of pots. You can select simple Planter, Window Boxes, Garden Urns, Planter Boxes, Grow Bags and much more; also have a choice in material. Keep in mind, no container style is the best, but you choose for your container gardening.

<a href="" target="_self">Sumaira Roberts</a>

Sumaira Roberts

This post is written by Sumaira Roberts I love to blog about daily life events and the things that can make a difference to life. Lifestyles and Business are my favorite topic areas.


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